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Container Sales Interview | The Wind of the Western Regions in the Container Market - Ashley Yu

2024-06-24 View:

1.1 / 请简单自我介绍一下:(介绍一下你的工作内容和负责的区域)

答:大家好!我是Ashley 于风,主要负责西部地区的新旧集装箱的买卖,单双程租赁和长短期租赁等集装箱设备相关的贸易。





hello everyone! I am Ashley , mainly responsible for the sales of new and old containers in the western region, as well as the trade of container equipment related to single and two-way leasing and long and short term leasing.

My business areas in China include Urumqi, Alashankou, Khorgos, Kashi, Chengdu, Chongqing and Wuhan

Our company's business operations are very flexible and convenient: each branch is managed and collaborated uniformly, and business can be operated independently

On the container placement service, the container placement method is flexible and can be adjusted according to the situation of different customers

For after-sales service: 15 branches at home and abroad, We provide extended 1vs1 or Multiple vs. One services and flexible emergency response methods for different countries and yards.

1.2 /是什么契机让您进入集装箱行业的?


What opportunity brought you into the container industry?

After graduating from Northeast Forestry University, I started working in sales. As my family and friends from my hometown are all in Urumqi, I decided to return to Xinjiang to work and have been engaged in container trade for over a decade

2 / 在新疆地区工作多年,如何看待这些年来新疆地区的集装箱发展状况?





How do you view the development of containers in Xinjiang over the years after working there for many years?

Xinjiang is an important node in the the Belt and Road, and it is also the only way to go,

Fortunately, the company has a huge business area structure and will provide timely assistance in container allocation based on local market demand and situation.

In the past decade or so, JJ MES has always adhered to its original intention, and colleagues from various business regions have cooperated with each other and made steady progress.

In the future, our team will definitely become even stronger!

3/ 对于西部地区的集装箱业务,进极的业务优势有哪些方面


尤其是从新疆乌鲁木齐,各口岸,到中亚、中俄、中欧的班列, 以及我司的一带一路供箱服务,均是我们这边的优势业务之一!

What are the advantages of our container business in the western region?

The container business in the western China of JJ MES is closely related to our business in Central Asia, Europe, and Russia!

Especially the trains from Urumqi, Xinjiang, all ports, to Central Asia, China Russia, and Central Europe, as well as our the Belt and Road box service, are one of our advantageous businesses!

4/ 进极的业务网络涵盖量很大,办事处的业务网络点很多。当涉及到跨地区合作(国内外区域)沟通时,中、西部区域主要侧重的业务有哪些?



The business network of JJ MES covers a large amount, and there are many business network points in the office. When it comes to cross regional cooperation (domestic and international regions) communication, what are the main business focuses of the central and western regions?

JJ MES Company has 15 branches, including Shanghai, Qingdao, Shenzhen, Tianjin, Urumqi, Chengdu, Seoul, South Korea, the United States, Chennai and Mumbai in India, Moscow in Russia, Almaty in Central Asia, Dubai in the Middle East, the African region, Southeast Asia, and Poland in Europe;

When cooperating across regions, the western region mainly focuses on mutual exchange and customer service, always adhering to the principle of optimality.

5/ 对于您所管辖的国内(西部)区域的集装箱业务,未来有什么计划?





What are your future plans for container business in the domestic (western) region under your jurisdiction?

Continue to develop new demand areas for boxes on the "the Belt and Road" line.

With the launch of various national and provincial trains, we also need to strive to explore new domestic and overseas regions.

This year, a new office has been established in Chengdu, specifically serving the customer base of the logistics industry in inland cities.

We will try different business models in the future, such as container exchange business and container management business. And keep up with the pace of the the Belt and Road, while giving play to the advantages of the company's network.

6/ 商场如战场,中国象棋中,你最喜爱哪个棋子?



Shopping malls are like battlefields. In Chinese chess, which piece do you love the most? Change music

My favorite game in chess is the Rook, which can move forward and backward, and has an unlimited number of steps to walk. Can attack and also defend.

While protecting the general, one can also face the other directly. Just like the heads of our business regions, we need to be both brave and have a calm attitude towards business control and management.

Ashley 十年如一日的在西部区域的集装箱业务领域上,勇于尝新且善于开拓的敬业精神,获得了进极团队和客户们的一致认可!


对于我们的新老客户们,Ashley 由衷感谢到:“由于质朴、率真的西部地区客户的支持,才有进极的业务稳定和发展,希望未来有更多的机会沟通交流,大家合作共赢!”







Ashley has been working tirelessly in the container business field in the western region for ten years, with a dedicated spirit of diligence, daring to try new things, and being good at exploring. This has also earned unanimous recognition from the Jinji team and customers!


For our new and old customers, Ashley sincerely appreciates, "Thanks to the support of our simple and sincere customers in the western region, we have achieved great business stability and development. We hope to have more opportunities for communication and exchange in the future, and we can work together for a win-win situation!"


In the long history, from the early development of the Western Silk Road to the current guidelines of the the Belt and Road.


The pace of opening up to the outside world in the western region is getting faster and faster, which is also a significant historical opportunity for better integration into the national strategy of opening up to the west!


We will seize this opportunity and help customers in their business!

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